Most people are very surprised to learn that above ground burial usually costs no more than in ground burial when all costs are included. Even though the price of a crypt to hold one casket is more than the price of one grave, the crypt includes several items that must be purchased separately or cost more for in ground burial.
- Memorialization: Bronze lettering for names and dates is included with a crypt, but a monument or memorial for the ground burial must be purchased separately at a cost that is usually $1,000 or more.
- Burial Vault: Most cemetaries require the use of a concrete burial vault to protect the casket when making a ground burial. These vaults can cost $1,200 or more. They are not required at all with above ground burial because the crypt is its own, protective concrete vault, included in the price.
- Burial Fees: Making a ground burial is more labor intensive and therefore more expensive that making an above ground burial. The higher cost of the burial fee can add hundreds of dollars to the cost of in ground burial.

Once people understand that the cost is about the same for a full casket burial, whether it is in the ground or above the ground, they move on to consider many of the other benefits to above ground burial, such as the ability to visit in comfort year round. And, of course, above ground burial is available for cremation burials as well and at an even lower cost.
At White Haven Memorial Park, we have many options for you to consider, from above ground burial in our Lasting Light Mausoleum with a cozy fireplace nearby, to cremation burials on our Nature Trail in a beautiful, hardwood forest. We even offer eco-friendly or “green” burials in a wildflower meadow at White Haven for the environmentally conscious.
Whether you choose an above ground or in ground burial, at White Haven Memorial Park you can be sure your loved one’s memorial will be a beautiful and dignified site at a cost and terms tailored to fit your budget. For more information about our burial options, please call (585) 586-5250 to set up a tour at no cost or obligation to you.