Looking for a peaceful final resting spot for yourself or your loved one? Many people search for alternatives to a cemetery. Often times, cemeteries can be exposed to busy roads and harsh traffic noises and seem cold and gloomy from crowding and towering monuments. White Haven Memorial Park offers a natural alternative to lay loved ones to rest in peace and quiet..
Nature Trails for Cremation Burial
The rocks along the trail represent spots where someone was buried. We can offer a bronze plaque to include information about your loved one, like special phrases or nicknames. Due to the limited space amongst the trees in these natural surroundings, only burials of cremated remains can be accepted in the forest. Burials may be made directly in the earth or in your choice of urn, including biodegradable urns. The bronze plaques on individual rocks include information for one or two people. Or, you can choose a larger space with a rock that can hold several plaques to remember several members of a family. Coming back to visit your loved one can be a peaceful and comforting experience, surrounded by the tranquility of nature.
White Haven Memorial Park and Canandaigua Lakeview Cemetery are not your average cemeteries. We offer a unique and peaceful atmosphere, putting your mind at ease through these tough times. Our nature trails leave you with a message that celebrating and honoring a life is special, even after death. To learn more about our variety of services including both full casket and cremation burials, contact White Haven Memorial Park at 585-586-5250.