When a loved one dies and you are faced with the difficult task of planning a funeral, one of the biggest decisions you will have to make is who will conduct the service. If your loved one was not religious and you do not feel comfortable choosing a pastor or priest to perform the ceremony, there are other options to choose from. A certified celebrant is a great alternative to a clergy person.
A funeral celebrant is an individual who is trained and certified to meet the needs of families during their time of loss. Because they are not affiliated with the church, certified celebrants are a great alternative for those families who do not want a religious funeral service. Rather than placing an emphasis on the word of the Lord, celebrants focus on the individual.

Through comprehensive and sensitive training, certified celebrants have found a way to step outside the box of “traditional” funerals while still providing a meaningful ceremony. If you’re interested in having a celebrant conduct your loved one’s funeral, White Haven Memorial Park has celebrants trained and certified by In-Sight Institute.
White Haven charges a small fee of $100 to have one of our on-staff certified celebrants plan and conduct your service. Since the celebrant will spend approximately 10 hours in preparation for a service, it is customary for the family to present the celebrant with an honorarium for their services as well. To learn more about our certified celebrants, Nanci Deleo and Donna Miller, please contact White Haven at 585-586-5250 or browse our memorial services online.
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