Planning a funeral is a difficult task for the family of a loved one that has passed away. It is a delicate balance of mourning a loss and celebrating a life. Choosing the right funeral celebrant is a critical part of this process. If you are not an active member of a church or synagogue, it may be difficult to find a pastor or other clergy member. Or, you may not be comfortable with a service that represents one faith, while family members come from very different faith backgrounds. When this happens, some people look to the services of a funeral celebrant. When determining if a Certified Funeral Celebrant is the right choice for you and your loved one’s memorial service, here are a few benefits to consider:
1. Personal Service – The main goal of a funeral celebrant is to create a unique and personalized service for your loved one. They will meet with family members to learn the character traits of the deceased and the stories that bring them to mind. They can also be a valuable resource in choosing just the right readings, music, mementos and other personal touches to enhance the service. A celebrant is there to create a service as special as the person you are memorializing.

3. Serves all individuals – Because a celebrant does not represent a particular faith background, their personal beliefs do not play a part in their work. Their goal is not to preach a certain religious doctrine, but to help families honor the deceased in a way that gives them peace and reflects the wishes of their loved one.
At White Haven Memorial Park, our on-staff Certified Funeral Celebrants are here to help you plan a memorial service that encompasses all the uniquely wonderful things about your loved one. We are the only cemetery in the Rochester, New York area that has Certified Funeral Celebrants on staff. Contact us today at 585-586-5250 to learn more about this unique service.
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